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2 Ways High Pressure is Changing the Pharmaceutical Industry
2 Ways High Pressure Pasteurization is Utilized in the Food Industry
Particle size reduction equipment: is the microemulsion the drug delivery vehicle of the future?
Cell lysis equipment: thinking ahead
Cell Rupture | Cell Disruption | Cell Lysis Methods
Identifying Different Types of Contaminant in Life Science Laboratories
Cell Lysis Snapshot: Alkaline Lysis
Cell Lysis Snapshot: Sonication
An Overview of Mechanical Methods of Cell Disruption
An Overview of Non-Mechanical Methods of Cell Disruption
A Look at Different Types of Cell Walls
3 Best Practices for Preventing Contamination in Life Science Laboratories
What to Consider in Designing a Protein Purification Buffer
An Overview of Subcellular Fractionation
A Look at 4 Common Downstream Applications Following Cell Lysis
7 Cell Lysis Method Factors to Consider
A Look at 3 Liquid Homogenization Methods of Cell Lysis
Key Benefits of Particle Size Reduction: Part 1
How Drug Manufacturers are Using Pharmaceutical Nanoemulsions to Fight the Obesity Epidemic
Key Factors to Consider when Choosing Particle Size Reduction Equipment
3 Steps in Preparing Beverage Emulsion
Key Benefits of Particle Size Reduction: Part 2
4 Key Benefits of Fine Tuning the Particle Size Reduction Mixing Process
The Basics of Nanoemulsions
An Overview of Colloidal Drug Carrier Systems: Part 1
Particle Size Reduction & Distribution in the Ceramics Industry
An Overview of Colloidal Drug Carrier Systems: Part 2
An Overview of Colloidal Drug Carrier Systems: Part 3
An Overview of Colloidal Drug Carrier Systems: Part 4
Homogenization Application: Vaccine Adjuvants
4 Key Benefits of Reliable High Pressure Homogenization
Pharmaceutical Creams: Water or Oil Emulsion?
4 Roadblocks to Successful Nutraceutical Production & Sales
Don’t Waste Time! 5 Ways to Optimize your Mixing Process
Consistent Particle Size Distribution: What is its Importance?
Pharmaceutical R&D: 4 Powerful Ways to Reduce Cost
Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials: Demystifying the Process
How to Approach the Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturing Process
All You Need to Know About Tablet Coating Composition
4 Things to Ask Yourself Before Selecting a High Pressure Homogenizer
Sanitary Homogenization: An Overview of Pharmaceutical Standards
The ABCs of Local VS Systemic Steroids
Pasteurization vs Homogenization: Appropriate Uses & Misconceptions
3 Reasons Your Lab Needs An Industrial Homogenizer
Pharmaceutical Products: From Lab Bench to Medicine Cabinet
A Complete Guide to E. coli Homogenization
4 Benefits of High Pressure Pasteurization in Beverage Preparation
How to Select Your Perfect Laboratory Homogenizers
Should the Cell Type Affect Your Lysis Method?
3 Tips for Cost Effective Particle Size Reduction
Pharmaceutical Processing Equipment: What Your R&D Lab Needs
Cell Lysis Scalability: What You Need To Know
How Homogenization Can Improve Your Cosmetic Product
3 Advantages of Sugar Spheres In Pharmaceutical Tablets
Cell Disruption of Yeast & Fungus: Why Homogenize?
How A Homogenizer Will Benefit Your Chemical Process
Carbon Nanotube Dispersions: 3 Reasons To Homogenize
How Nanoparticles Can Improve Chemotherapy Treatment
Advantages of Cell Disruption for Algae-Based Biofuel
3 Important Reasons To Use High Pressure Pasteurization
4 Factors That Affect Inhalant Drug Delivery
4 Forces Your Particle Size Reduction Equipment Needs
3 Factors That Will Affect Your Cell Lysate Quality
Are Microemulsions The Drug Delivery System For You?
Particle Size Reduction: Which Of My Chemical Products Will Benefit?
How To Select A Homogenizer For Pharmaceutical Use
4 Advantages Of Using Emulsions In Pharmaceutical Creams
How to Scale Your Cell Lysis Technique
Anesthetics & Emulsions: A Mutualistic Relationship
3 Reasons Your Cell Lysis Equipment Should Be Flexible
Beverage Emulsions: Benefits of Small Droplet Size
3 Reducible Costs of Chemical Particle Size Reduction
How High Pressure Homogenizers Benefit Pharmaceutical Products
How BEE’s Emulsifying Cell Revolutionized the Homogenizer
3 Ways Particle Size Reduction Can Improve Health Status
3 Things To Look For In Particle Size Reduction Equipment
How High Pressure Homogenization Creates Stable Emulsions
The Benefits of a Laboratory Homogenizer For Cell Lysis
How Industrial Homogenizers Maximize Efficiency for Micro & Nano Emulsions
4 Roadblocks From Pharmaceutical R&D To Production
How To Get The Highest Cell Rupture Yield In Less Time
The Benefits of a Laboratory Homogenizer For Particle Size Reduction
Why a High Pressure Homogenizer is the Ultimate Lab Tool for Emulsions
How Custom Homogenizer Options Can Optimize Particle Size Reduction
What To Look For In A Homogenizer Manufacturer
Why Scalability Matters In Selecting A Pharmaceutical Homogenizer
3 Benefits of High Pressure Homogenization for Nanoparticles
Advantages of High Pressure Homogenization For Biotechnology
How Custom Homogenizer Options Can Optimize Cell Lysis
What’s the Difference Between Emulsions and Dispersions?
How to Reduce Cost of Manufacturing with High Pressure Homogenizers
Why Size Reduction An Important Step In Pharmaceutical Formulations
How High Pressure Homogenizers Benefit the Food Industry
Why Pion's BEE brand High Pressure Homogenizers Yield Better Results Than High Shear Mixers
Why Homogenizers Are a Necessity for Chemical Industry Applications
Biotechnology Applications for High Pressure Homogenization
3 Medical Applications for Laboratory Homogenizers
3 Critical Uses for Homogenizers in the Pharmaceutical Industry
3 Key Considerations for Mammalian Cell Rupture
3 Useful Applications for Industrial Homogenizers
What Do Lab Managers Look for in a Homogenizer?
High vs. Low Pressure Homogenization: Which Is Better?
High Pressure Homogenization or Sonication - Comparing Two Methods
Homogenization 101: Key Terms for High Pressure Homogenization
3 Tips & Techniques To Create Better Emulsions
Cell Lysis Method: Chemical or High-Pressure Homogenization?
3 Questions to Ask Your Homogenizer Manufacturer
Does Mechanical Force Matter in Particle Size Reduction?
Tissue Homogenization: 3 Factors to Consider
An Overview of Mechanical Homogenizers: Rotor-Stator vs. Blade
How To Make the Cell Lysis Process More Efficient
Wet Milling vs. Homogenization: Comparing Pharmaceutical Techniques
Intensive Mixing Basics: The High Pressure Homogenization Process
3 Advantages of High Pressure Homogenizers for Emulsion Fuels
Pharmaceutical Syrups & Cough Mixtures: 4 Reasons to Homogenize
How to Select Homogenizer Equipment
Formation of Stable Emulsions: Why Homogenize?
Inline Mixing vs. Homogenization: What’s the Difference?
3 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Homogenizer
3 Consequences of Inefficient Particle Size Reduction
Stable Emulsions: How to Scale with Homogenization
Cell Disruption: Grinding vs. High Pressure Homogenization
Liquid Homogenization: Why Choose BEE High-Pressure Homogenizers?
3 Uses for Homogenizers in the Cosmetic Industry
Colloid Mills vs. Homogenizers: 2 Critical Differences
4 Reasons Your Lab Needs a High Pressure Homogenizer
Cell Rupture: Enzymes or High Pressure Homogenization?
How Industrial Homogenizers Maximize Efficiency for Dispersions
3 Indicators of Effective Chemical Process Equipment
How Are Emulsions & Homogenizers Related?
How to Select a Homogenizer for Food Production
How Do Sanitary Homogenizers Differ From Regular Homogenizers?
What is a Homogenizer and Who Uses It?
How to Achieve Uniform Particle Size Reduction
How to Scale the Production of Emulsions
Which Features Does Your Homogenizer Need to Have?
How a High Pressure Homogenizer Benefits Pharmaceutical Creams
The Difference Between Plant & Animal Cell Homogenization
What to Look for When Buying a Homogenizer
Tissue Homogenization: 4 Viable Techniques
High-Pressure vs. Liquid Homogenization: Which to Use?
The Forces Behind High Pressure Homogenization
How to Achieve Stable Oil-in-Water Emulsions
Cell Lysis: Which Method is Best?
All You Need to Know About Microorganism Homogenization
Cell Lysis 101: 6 Ways to Disrupt Cells
4 Safety Tips for High Pressure Homogenizer Use
How to Make Your Cell Rupture Technique More Efficient
Dairy Homogenization: From Start to Finish
Why are Homogenizers So Important to the Pharmaceutical Industry?
Nano vs. Micro DeBEE: Which High Pressure Homogenizer is Right For You?
How Homogenizers Efficiently Lyse E. coli Cells
Cell Disruption Comparison: Mechanical vs. Non-Mechanical Methods
3 Food Applications for High Pressure Homogenizers
How the Nano DeBEE Can Benefit Laboratory Applications
How Homogenizers Are Used to Make Household Products
Homogenization: A Historical Perspective
How BEE’s Patented Homogenizing Cell Promotes Customizability
Homogenization: Uses & Limitations for Food Production
Why the Biotechnology Industry Needs Homogenizers
3 Differences Between Oil-in-Water & Water-in-Oil Emulsions
Colloid Mills: How They Compare to High Pressure Homogenizers
How Do Intensifier Pumps Work in Homogenizers?
Alkaline Lysis vs. High Pressure Homogenization: Which Lyses More Efficiently?
4 Things You Need to Know About Microbial Cell Homogenization
3 Advantages of High Pressure Homogenizers for Drug Research & Development
4 Consequences of Inefficient Emulsions
The Advantages of Homogenization in Food Production
Hammer Mills vs. High Pressure Homogenizers for Particle Size Reduction
Chemical Methods of Cell Disruption
Particle Grinding vs High Pressure Homogenizing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Particle Size Reduction Methods: Which Is Best?
Cell Lysis Techniques: Why Homogenization Excels
5 Reasons Why You Need a High Pressure Homogenizer in Your Biotechnology Research Laboratory
Pharmaceutical Size Reduction: How Size Affects Stability, Appearance & Properties
French Press Cell Lysis: How Does It Compare to Homogenization?
How Homogenization Benefits Emulsions in the Food Industry
Types of Emulsifiers & How High Pressure Homogenization Creates Stable Emulsions
Why Scalability Matters for Particle Size Reduction Equipment
Types of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Equipment
Cell Rupture: Detergents vs Traditional Physical Methods
Why is Dairy Processing Equipment Skyrocketing in Popularity?
5 Ways to Test Your Products After Homogenization
BEE International: Your Lifelong Partner for Homogenizing Applications
What Is Particle Size Reduction & How Does It Play a Part in Everyday Life?
What is HPP?
3 Common Mistakes When Shopping for a Homogenizer
Emulsion Products That Can Benefit from High Pressure Homogenization
Ultrasonic Homogenizers vs. High Pressure Homogenizers
Why Should You Choose BEE International as Your Homogenizer Manufacturer?
When Is It Appropriate to Use an Inline Homogenizer?
What Is The Cell Wall Made Of & How Do You Break It Down?
Cell Homogenization: Types of Cells & The Best Way to Lyse Them
Colloidal Carriers 101: What Are They & How Are They Used?
What Is Cell Lysis & How Can You Make the Process More Efficient?
High Pressure Homogenizer: What to Look for When Deciding on a Model
What Is a Colloid Mill & How Does It Compare to a Homogenizer?
10 Fun Facts About Homogenizers for the Pharmaceutical Industry
3 Advantages of Homogenizers for Pharmaceutical Products
What Role Do Homogenizers Play in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process?
8 Fun Facts About Homogenizers for the Biotech Industry
How to Scale the Production of Dispersions
Local vs. Systemic Steroids: Why Homogenize?
Cell Disruption 101: Why Use Homogenizers for Cell Lysis
When to Utilize Inline Homogenizers for Your Application
Homogenizer Pressure: When to Use Low Pressure & When to Use High Pressure
Potter-Elvehjem Homogenizer: How Does It Compare to a High Pressure Homogenizer?
Bead Homogenizers vs. High Pressure Homogenizers
How Does a Homogenizer Work for Efficient Particle Size Reduction?
What Does a Homogenizer Do to Cells in Order to Lyse Them?
Alkaline Lysis vs. High Pressure Homogenization: Which is Better?
How Intensifier Pumps Help with Homogenization
Industrial Homogenizer Requirements: What to Look for Before Purchase
Oil Emulsions: Why High Pressure Homogenizers Perform Emulsions Best
An Overview of Cell Homogenization Techniques
Homogenizer for Sale: Which BEE Homogenizer is Right For You?
How Do Dounce Homogenizers Work?
How to Choose the Right Inline Homogenizer
What is Cell Disruption?
Creating Stable Dispersions with Homogenizers
High Pressure Processing Equipment and Pasteurization
High Pressure Homogenization and Food Production: 3 Key Benefits
Emulsions vs. Dispersions: What is the Difference?
The Homogenization Process: How BEE Makes It Better
What Is The Best Equipment for Tissue Homogenization?
How Homogenizers Benefit the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process
Chemical Processing Equipment: How High Pressure Homogenizers Work
Laboratory vs. Industrial Homogenizers: Which One is Best for You?
How Homogenizing Cell Technology Works
3 Major Benefits of Homogenizers in the Food Industry
High Pressure Homogenization for the Biotechnology Industry
Pilot and Industrial Homogenizers: Which One Should You Choose?
High Pressure Homogenizers: How They Help with Chemical Applications
How the DeBEE 4000 Can Benefit Manufacturing Industries
3 Benefits of Efficient Particle Size Reduction
Homogenization in the Beverage Industry
Plant and Animal Cell Homogenization: Similarities and Differences
Microemulsions as a Drug Delivery System
Cell Disruption Methods: Which One Should You Use?
Sonication Cell Lysis: How Does it Compare to Homogenization
Dounce Homogenizer vs. High Pressure Homogenizer
Laboratory Homogenizers: Which One Should You Choose?
Homogenization in the Chemical Industry: What to Look for in a Homogenizer
How the DeBEE 2000 Can Benefit the Manufacturing Process
Micro DeBEE vs. Mini DeBEE High Pressure Homogenizers
4 Benefits of High Pressure Homogenization
3 Products that Benefit from Homogenization
Methods of Liquid Homogenization
Small Particle Sizes: 3 Key Benefits
3 Key Features of Intensifier Pumping Systems
Choosing the Right Pilot & Industrial Homogenizer
Choosing the Right Laboratory Homogenizer
How to Select a Homogenizer for Particle Size Reduction
3 Common Options for High Pressure Homogenizer Products
Local vs. Systemic Steroids: What's the Difference?
4 Techniques in Cell Homogenization
Producing Effective Dispersions
3 Advantages of Homogenizers for the Pharmaceutical Industry
How to Pick Out a Homogenizer for Cell Lysis
What are Inline Homogenizers Used For?
How Do Inline Mixers Work Differently Than High-pressure Homogenizers?
Liquid Mixers vs High Pressure Homogenizers: Which Is Right for You?
Suspension vs. Colloid: How Do They Differ?
Chemical Methods for Cell Disruption
How Does RNA Extraction Homogenization Work?
Top Tips for Selecting a Tissue Homogenizer
Homogenization and the Industries That Use It
Homogenizers and the Forces That Drive Them
Making the Right Choice: Homogenizer Manufacturers
Homogenizers for Cannabis: How To Deliver More Consistent & Uniform Particle Size
Three Reasons Cannabis Product Manufacturers Choose BEE Homogenizers
2 Types of High Pressure Pasteurization Equipment
5 Benefits of Developing a Cannabis Product with High Pressure Homogenizers
Homogenizer Basics: Everything You Need to Know
What is a Polytron Homogenizer?
Homogenization in the Cannabis Industry: Why It Matters
The Pros and Cons of High Shear Homogenizers
Pasteurization vs. Sterilization: What’s the Difference?
Myths About CBD Manufacturing
Does Vitamin D Boost Immunity Against COVID-19?
Why Homogenizers are Essential to CBD Processing
What is Emulsification and How Is It Used to Produce Cannabis Nanoemulsions
What is Microfluidization and How Does It Work?
What’s the Best Way to Lyse Bacterial Cells?
High Pressure Homogenizers for Nanomilling for Bioavailability Enhancement
An Introduction to Creating Colloidal Solutions
How Cavitation is Used in Chemical Engineering
How to Guarantee Water Soluble Cannabinoids for Beverages
The Ultimate Guide to Particle Size Reduction Equipment
The Role of Nanoemulsification Equipment in Cannabis Beverage Processing
3 Industries Where Ultrasonic Emulsification is Changing the Game
What Is Cavitation and How Does it Compare to Shear Mixing Forces?
How Better Particle Packing Improves Pharmaceutical Suspensions
3 Materials Where Particle Size is Essential for Effective Production
Why Cell Disruption is More Efficient Using Homogenization
Graphene Processing: When Particle Size Reduction Isn’t Enough
Cannabis Processing: Sonication vs. High Pressure Homogenization
The Importance of Nanoemulsions for Drug Discovery
Managing Chemically Aggressive and Abrasive Products with High Pressure Homogenizers
Strategies to Reduce Drug Discovery and Development Time
What is Nano CBD and how is it made?
What are BCS Class II drugs?
What is pKa and how is it used in drug development?
Passive membrane permeability, drug flux, and oral absorption
The Pion Sirius T3 Physchem Instrument
Understanding the effect of digestion on oral, lipid-based drug formulations using Rainbow and MicroDISS
What is the Absorption Driven Drug Formulation (ADDF) concept?
Flux-Based Formulation Development in ADDF
UV Fiber Optic Solution for QC Dissolution Testing
Food effect risk assessment in preformulation stage using material sparing microFLUX methodology from Pion
New Tool for Simulating Subcutaneous Injection
6 reasons why you should upgrade to the Scissor N3 subcutaneous injection site simulator
What are ADME and IVIVC in drug development?
What is in vitro dissolution testing?
Introduction to log P and log D measurement using PionT3
Pion's Role In Drug Development
Self-unfolding foils in drug delivery
Advantages of fiber-optic probe-based UV spectrometers
Parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) and its role in drug development
The Advantages of BEE brand homogenizers for cell lysis
Real-time In situ/In vitro Dissolution Measurements in Drug Development and Their Connection to Particle Size: The link between homogenization/micronization and dissolution
Why Do We Care About Protein Aggregation Post-Subcutaneous Injection?
Exploring Protein Conformation and Stability in the Subcutaneous Space
How the Cell Wall Effects Homogenization
What is Pion's MacroFLUX and How is it Related to Membrane Permeability?
What is the Pion PrepEngine?
Rethinking Drug Formulation: The Motivation Behind Embracing Subcutaneous Delivery
In Vitro Surface Dissolution Imaging Assists in the Development of Intestine and Colon Delivered Drugs
Particle Size Reduction 101: Homogenization, Dispersions & Emulsions
Speeding Sample Preparation and API Extraction from Solid Oral Dosage Formulations for QC Content Uniformity testing
How Are Poorly Soluble Compounds Formulated into Drugs?
Crossing the Blood Brain Barrier
The Basics of Drug Flux and Permeability
What is the difference between drug discovery, drug development and drug formulation?
What are solubility and supersaturation?
Formulating with Less API: Exploring the Application of API Sparing Techniques in Oral Drug Development
What is intrinsic dissolution rate?
Subcutaneous injection basics and formulation screening during drug development
What are PROTACs?
Pion Predictor Software
Developing poorly water-soluble drugs
What is drug absorption?
What are high-pressure homogenizers?
Cell lysis and AAV gene therapy
Biphasic dissolution and simultaneous dissolution-permeation apparatus
SCISSOR subcutaneous injection site simulator for mAbs
MacroFLUX to Study Final Dosage Forms
Subcutaneous Delivery of High Concentration Biologics
Nanoparticle Formulation: Advanced Approach using Pion’s BEE Brand High Pressure Homogenizers
Pion’s Predictor Software – A Formulator’s Tool to Understand Oral Drug Absorption Rate-Limiting Steps and Compound BCS Class
Common Equipment in a Drug Dissolution Testing Lab
The Role Of in vitro Testing In Drug Development
Hydrogel formats for subcutaneous injection simulation
What is UV-Vis Spectroscopy?
What are the 3 R's in Drug Testing
Derivative Spectroscopy
What is Lipophilicity?
Reversible protein complexes: Advancing subcutaneous delivery
What is blend uniformity?
Drug solubility and permeability
7 Ways Homogenizers Are Used in Pharma Oral Dose Development
Advantages of small volume dissolution studies in drug development
What Are ALCOA+ Principles?
Cell Lysis Protocol for Protein Isolation: Key Insights for Researchers
Streamlining Cannabis Formulations with Inline Pre-Processing (IPP)
Is the pKa of a drug affected by the biorelevant media?
Dissolution and Flux Study for Bioequivalence Testing
What is a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer?
Particle Drifting Effect in Drug Development
What is the Rainbow R6 Dynamic Dissolution Monitor?
How the ionic strength affects the ionization constant (pKa)?
What is a prodrug?
Hits and Lead Optimization in drug development
Drug permeability and bioavailability
Testing Prodrugs In-vitro
Pion’s BEE high pressure homogenizers (HPH) specialize in the liquid phase exfoliation of graphite to graphene
No items found.
Resource Sitemap
Study of In Vitro and In Vivo Carbamazepine Release from Coarse and Nanometric Pharmaceutical Emulsions Obtained via Ultra-High-Pressure Homogenization
WEBINAR: Log P- History, Measurement and Applications in Drug Development
Video: Use of Flux Measurements in Lieu of In Vitro Dissolution to Assess the Complex Interplay Between Solubility, Permeability and Formulation Effects
Webinar: AuPRO™ Version 6.0: New Powerful Tools for Pion’s Fiber Optic Users
WEBINAR: Accessing hydrogen bond parameters and their application in drug discovery
Pion SDi2 and Raman spectroscopy - study of diclofenac sodium salt
WEBINAR: In vitro measurement of drug bioavailability following subcutaneous injection
AN02 PKa measurements in 15 minutes - the SiriusT3 Fast UV pKa method
The Determination of Solubility - Pion CheqSol Explained
Solubility Measurement
A novel in vitro method to model the fate of subcutaneously administered biopharmaceuticals and associated formulation components
Miniaturized Intrinsic Dissolution Rate (Mini-IDR™) Measurement of Griseofulvin and Carbamazepine
In situ fiber optic dissolution monitoring of vitamin B12 solid dosage formulation
Investigation of the Efficacy of Transdermal Penetration Enhancers Through the Use of Human Skin and a Skin Mimic Artificial Membrane
P-Glycoprotein Deficient Mouse in situ Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability and its Prediction using an in combo PAMPA Model
Validation of pH-Metric Technique for Measurement of pKa and logPow of Ionizable Herbicides
Potentiometric pKa determination of water-insoluble compounds. Validation study in methanol/water mixtures
pH electrode performance under automated management conditions
Correlation of human jejunal permeability (in vivo) of drugs with experimentally and theoretically derived parameters. A multivariate data analysis approach
Multiwavelength spectrophotometric determination of acid dissociation constants of ionisable drugs
Considerations on the potentiometric logP determination
pH-metric logP 10. Determination of liposomal membrane-water partition coefficients of ionizable drugs
Mechanisms of liposomes/water partitioning pf (p-methylbenzyl) alkylamines
A modification of the Hammett equation for predicting ionization constants of p-vinyl phenols.
Direct imaging of the dissolution of salt forms of a carboxylic acid drug
Permeability through DOPC/dodecane membranes: measurement and LFER modelling
In vitro model for predicting bioavailability of subcutaneously injected monoclonal antibodies
Ranking Itraconazole Formulations Based on the Flux through Artificial Lipophilic Membrane
Using pH Gradient Dissolution with In-Situ Flux Measurement to Evaluate Bioavailability and DDI for Formulated Poorly Soluble Drug Products
Miniaturization of Powder Dissolution Measurement and Estimation of Particle Size
A comparison of the in vitro permeation of niacinamide in mammalian skin and in the Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeation Assay (PAMPA) model
Glatiramer acetate persists at the injection site and draining lymph nodes via electrostatically-induced aggregation
AN15 Determination of pKa Measurement or Prediction?
AN12 Introduction to logP and logD Measurement Using SiriusT3
AN10 Measuring LogP of Samples that are Hard to Dissolve in Water and Octanol
AN410 Measuring the isoelectric point pf peptides by potentiometric titration
AN11 Evaluating Solid Dispersion using Small-Scale Dissolution Testing
AN14 Using NaOH and NaCL instead of KOM and KCI
AN01 High quality measurements for small sample amounts
AN05 Measurement of extreme pKas
AN03 Blank Titrations Using the SiriusT3
AN04 Insights into BCS classification using Pion assays
AN07 the Pion GI Dissolution Assay
AN501 A novel in vitro model for subcutaneous injection
Differentiating Itraconazole Formulations Based on the Flux through Artificial Lipophilic Membrane
In vitro study of subcutaneous injection of two insulin formulations
Degree and Extent of Supersaturation of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals and Their Flux through Lipophilic Membrane
Investigation of subcutaneous monoclonal antibody formulations
Application of MacroFLUX™ Apparatus for Screening Formulations before Bioequivalence Studies
Using Integrated Absorption Chamber with USP II Dissolution Apparatus to Predict Risk of Drug‐Drug Interaction from pH‐Modifying Agents: Application Notes
Understanding drug release mechanisms from diclofenac tablets using the SDi2
Using SDi2 to characterise swelling and drug release profiles
FLUX Measurements using Pion µFLUX™ and MacroFLUX™ Devices
Studying transdermal patches using Skin PAMPA
Studying semi-solid formulations of diclofenac using Skin PAMPA
Estimating Food Effect on Drug Absorption using Flux Experiments through Artificial Lipophilic Membranes
Validation of the SDi2 intrinsic dissolution rate measurement
Measuring Solubility of Nanoparticles by Zero Intercept Method
Study of Danazol Cocrystal using Trans-membrane Flux Measurements
Analytical Services Brochure
µFLUX Brochure
Accessories Mesh Brochure
SDi2 Brochure
Accessories 30 Degrees Brochure
Rainbow Brochure
Determination of hydrogen bonding properties using logP
The impact of cosolvent on measured log P values
Acid‐base titrations of proteins in small volumes
AAPS Advanced imaging, detection and prediction of initial gel formation and swelling of hypromellose compacts
AAPS2017 T5029 Particle Sizing
Detection of poor acid resistance of enteric coats using the SDI
Investigating the driving force of membrane transport of carvedilol from supersaturated solutions achieved by ...
Surface tension and supersaturation
Measuring the isoelectric point of peptides by potentiometric titration
Effects of solubility enhancing excipients
Evaluation of in vitro tests to reduce animal testing in drug toxicology studies
Measuring pKa values in 2-propanol to gain process understanding
MacroFLUX Generics
Ionization Constants of Isoniazid and Benzimidazole
4‐case chart to classify supersaturation and precipitation behavior
Subcutaneously administered biopharmaceuticals
Faster Dissolution Methods of Pharmaceutical salts
The effect of dissolution media, torque and flow speed
pH-metric titration to characterize aci-nitro tautomerism
Low Volume Dissolution Assays
Supersaturation time with CheqSol using different excipients
AAPS 2017 Flo-Vitro poster KBox
AAPS 2017 Supersaturation excipients poster KBox
AAPS Understanding drug release mechanisms of metformin using complementary in vitro dissolution tools
Visualising the release patterns of promethazine across microparticulate systems
AAPS 2017 Supersaturation modelling poster KBox
Dissolution & precipitation studies of carbamazepine cocrystals with small scale assays
Biphasic dissolution studies of Felodipine
Dissolution of a drug in the presence of additives and biorelevant media
Biorelevant dissolution - the quest for simple in-vitro experiments
Dissolution in presence of lipid to mimic absorption
Dissolution Experiments in Lipid Layers
Small scale assays for studying dissolution of cocrystals
Use of SDI to assess dissolution characteristics - John Comer (Pion)
Small volume dissolution of a poorly soluble drug as solid dispersions
Application of the SDI in Pharmaceuticals - Mei Wong (Pfizer)
Solubility of drugs in the presence of excipients in lipid based formulations
In-situ pH change on a biphasic dissolution model in the presence of SIFs
Supersaturation & precipitation of ionizable drugs with cellulose polymers
Simulated Lung Fluid media
Solubilities of morphine analogs
Solubility measurement by extrapolation
Biphasic dissolution studies: Impact of concentration and particle size on partition rate
Characteristics of Felodipine ‐ HPMCAS Solid Dispersions
Biphasic dissolution studies of Aripiprazole
Improvements in biphasic dissolution
Automated Measurements of Precipitation, Supersaturation and Biphasic Dissolution
Dissolution Performance of Inhaled Products in Simulated Lung Fluid
Robert Taylor: Automated Measurements of Lipolysis, Supersaturation & Biphasic Dissolution
A low volume method for screening Plasdone polymers
Determination of Aqueous Solubility by Extrapolation
Behavior of Basic Compounds in the Presence of Plasdone Polymers
Measuring the solubility of salts of basic drugs
The intrinsic solubility of indomethacin
In-situ Solubility Measurements of Ionizable Drugs
Validation of titrimetric measurement of pKa, logP and solubility
Determination of pKa values and Solubility pH Profiles of Selected ß blockers
Karl Box Sunrise Presentation
Supersaturation in additives and GI fluids
Utilization of pH-Metric Titration
Application of MacroFLUX™ Apparatus for Screening Formulations before Bioequivalent Studies
Determination of Polymer Effectiveness
Using Integrated Absorption Chamber with USP II Dissolution Apparatus to Predict Risk of Drug-Drug Interaction from pH Modifying Agents: Poster
Differentiating itraconazole formulations based on the flux through artificial lipophilic membranes
Application of simultaneous dissolution-absorption apparatus for screening formulations before bioequivalence studies
Using flux experiments through artificial lipophilic membranes for predicting food effect for BCS Class 2 Compounds
Biorelevant drug release of Metformin dosage forms using complementary in vitro tools
Universal Potentiometric Sensors: Application for Real Time Concentration Monitoring in Complex Biorelevant Media
Novel HT Method for Parallel Excipient/Vehicle Formulation Studies
Real Time Monitoring of Dissolution, Supersaturation and Precipitation Processes in Dynamically Changing Biorelevant Media
Dissolution and Precipitation Monitoring of Crystalline Salts
Dissolution-Permeability Apparatus with Integrated In Situ Concentration Monitoring of both Donor and Receiver Compartments
Degree and Extent of Supersaturation of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals and Their Flux through Lipophilic Membranes
Assessment of Transdermal Penetration Enhancement by Topical Pharmaceutical Excipients Using Skin PAMPA Method
Progress in pKa Determination Technology: Case Studies in Low and High Soluble Flavonoids
In Situ Method for Monitoring Free Drug Concentration Released from Nanoparticles
Using Skin PAMPA For Transdermal Patch Testing
In Situ Monitoring of Supersaturation State for Solid Dispersions of Low Soluble Compounds
Comparison of Naproxen Release from Nano- and Microsuspensions with Its Dissolution from Untreated and Micronized Powder
Soluplus® Maintains the Supersaturation of Carbamazepine from Amorphous Solid Dispersions
Application of Skin PAMPA to Differentiate Between Topical Pharmaceutical Formulations of Ibuprofen
Skin-PAMPA: Fast Prediction of Skin Penetration
Monitoring Supersaturation State of Solid Dispersions of Low Solubility Compounds
Skin-PAMPA: A New Method for Fast Prediction of Skin Penetration
Universal Potentiometric Sensors Food Matrixes
Evaluating Drug Salt Dissolution and Precipitation Processes for Rational Formulation Strategies
Supersaturation and Transmembrane Flux of Meloxicam
In Vitro-In Vivo Correlation (IVIVC): Prediction of pK a at 37°C, From the Measured Value at 25°C
Novel Device and Method for in situ UV Dissolution and Precipitation Monitoring in 96-well Plate
Evaluation of Optimized Caco-2 Permeability Measurements
Developing Skin PAMPA for Transdermal Patches
Universal Potentiometric Sensors Protein Binding
Human Jejunal Permeability Predicted from Caco-2 Assay - A Biophysical Model Applied to Fluoroquinolone Antimicrobials
Prediction of in situ Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability using BBB PAMPA Model
Very Thin PAMPA Membranes Indicate Higher Antipyrene Permeability but are Fragile and Contain Leaky Water Pores
Nanoparticle Formulation of Gresiofulvin
Prediction of Caco-2 pH-Dependent Permeability based on High Quality in vitro Training Set
Powder Intrinsic Dissolution Rate Measurement: When is it Possible?
Impact of Biorelevant Media on Apparent Solubility and Biopharmaceutical Classification of Poorly Soluble Compounds
Comparison of Miniaturized Intrinsic Dissolution Rate Measurement to Traditional Wood’s Apparatus
In Situ Solubility and Dissolution of Concentrated Solutions
Novel in vitro PK (non-animal PK) Assay for Excipient/Vehicle Formulation Studies
Drug Permeation in Skin PAMPA and Franz Cell Model
Dissolution Rate and Apparent Solubility of Poorly Soluble Compounds in Biorelevant Fluids
Determination of the Intrinsic Dissolution Rate (IDR) from a Powder and using a Miniaturized Wood’s Apparatus
Universal Potentiometric Sensors Fast Determination of Free Ionized Drug Concentration in Micellar Solutions
MacroFLUX An Integration of Absorption Chamber with USP II Dissolution Apparatus
Universal Potentiometric Sensors: Application for Real Time Concentration Monitoring in Surfactant Containing
Real Time Dissolution Monitoring of Dual Component Drug Product Using Fiber Optic System
Penetration Enhancer Effect of Sucrose Esters
Dissolution, Free Drug Concentration and Permeability of Crystalline Nanoparticle Formulation Study Using In Situ Fiber Optic and Potentiometric Techniques
Application of In Situ Potentiometric Sensors to Study Dissolution-Precipitation Behavior of Electrospray-Generated Loperamide Nanoparticles
Cyclodextrin-Based Orally Fast Dissolving Drug Delivery System of Aripiprazole and Its In Vitro Dissolution-Permeation Testing Using µFLUX
Interplay between Ketoconazole Cocrystal Supersaturation and Trans-membrane Flux Behavior In Simulated Intestinal Fluids
Biorelevant Flux Measurements And Prediction Of Fraction Absorbed For The Drug Products Of Poorly Soluble Compounds
Design and development of a novel diffusion cell for advanced UV imaging to characterise pharmaceutical formulations
Prediction of Bioequivalence and Food Effect Using Flux- and Solubility-Based Methods
In Situ Fiber Optic Dissolution Monitoring of Combination Drug Product Containing Three Actives
Degree and Extent of Supersaturation of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals and Their Flux through Lipophilic Membrane
Using Biorelevant Flux Measurements for Prediction of Fraction Absorbed for the Drug Products of Poorly Soluble Compounds
Simultaneous in situ monitoring of free drug concentration and nanoparticles during dissolution testing of nanocrystalline and amorphous formulations
A video introduction into microDISS Profiler™ instrument and its applications
Evaluating side‐by‐side diffusion models for studying drug supersaturation in an absorptive environment: a case example of fenofibrate and felodipine
Extended Instrument Shut Down for Pion Rainbow Storage Guidelines
Dissolution Template 61
Extended Instrument Shut Down for Sirius T3 Storage Guidelines
Extended Instrument Shut Down for Pion SDi2 Storage Guidelines
SiriusT3 Product Brochure
MicroDISS Profiler - an introduction
Pion Product Overview
miniDISS Profiler Video
Applying Computational Predictions of Biorelevant Solubility Ratio Upon Self-Emulsifying Lipid-Based Formulations Dispersion to Predict Dose Number
Small Scale in vitro Techniques as Predictive Tools for in vivo Performance Webinar
miniDISS Profiler Including the new miniDT Webinar
Simulating Biologic Post Injection Events Utilizing the Pion Scissor Webinar
SDi2: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Dissolution Webinar
Pion's Analytical Services Webinar
Pion Biphasic Dissolution PBPK Modelling and Lipolysis Assays Webinar
Pion MacroFLUX for Predictive Dissolution Absorption Measurements Webinar
Utilizing Pion's SiriusT3 Platform Webinar
The Absorption Driven Drug Formulation Concept Webinar
Introducing NEW Rainbow R6
Rainbow R6 Product Sheet
MacroFLUX Demo
Scissor N1 Demo
microDISS Profiler Demo
SCISSOR N3 Product Sheet
Physicochemical Studies of Triclosan
Best practices in Fiber Optic Dissolution Testing
Best Practices for PhysChem determination using Pion SiriusT3
Release notes - DissoPro 3.6 software for the Rainbow UV in-situ concentration monitor
Exciting new development for our SCISSOR - ECM XR artificial extracellular matrix for extended-release studies
Advanced in vitro methods in generic drug product development
Enabling SEDDS Formulation Choice through In Vitro-In Vivo Correlation with BASF and Pion
Unveiling Solubility, Dissolution and Permeability In Vitro: How GSK Sees the (UV) Light
Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA) training video
Methodological Considerations in Development of UV Imaging for Characterization of Intra-Tumoral Injectables Using cAMP as a Model Substance
Membrane Flux in-vitro : BioFLUX, MacroFLUX, MicroFLUX
Pion PrepEngine | Single or multi-station content uniformity blending platform
LabEye | A ready-to-implement multi-camera system performing visual process monitoring
Webinar On Demand: Cannabis Flower and CBD based Sample Preparation Techniques
Gut Box for PAMPA
Advancing In Vitro Tools for Subcutaneous Formulation
Advantages of BEE Homogenizers for the Pharmaceutical Industry
High Pressure Homogenizers
SiriusT3 PhysChem Platform
Solutions for Pharma
Fiber Optic Solution for QC Dissolution Testing
Automated Data Processing and Data Quality Check, Rainbow UV Concentration Monitor
Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA) Platform - Product Sheet
AuPRO™ 7 Software
Webinar OnDemand: Flavonoids, an example of challenging pKa determination
miniFLUX for Pion Rainbow System
Pion Predictor Software Launch Webinar July 18, 2023
PrepEngine Demo: Chinese Traditional Medicine Sample Prep | Goji Berries & Baikal Skullcap Root
Dissolution Testing
DeBEE 2000
Nano DeBEE
Application of Skin Pampa to Cosmetic Solvent Screening
Preparation, Physical Characterization and Solubility-Dissolution Testing of Loratidine Hot Melt Extrudates Prepared on a Laboratory Mixing Extruder
Surface dissolution imaging to investigate the influence of common ion effect on Papaverine hydrochloride
Creating consistency & predictability in cannabis-infused beverages - Vertosa and Pion Inc.
Barriers and solutions for mimicking an in vivo extracellular environment with in vitro tools
DeBEE 4000
Nanoparticle Formation
Development of Injectable PEGylated Liposome Encapsulating Disulfiram for Colorectal Cancer Treatment
Method for preparing propofol emulsion for vascular injection
Control of Oral Bioavailability by Particle Sizes
Reversal of IDO-mediated cancer immune suppression
7 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing A Cell Lysis Method - e-book
Advantages of BEE Homogenizers for the Pharmaceutical Industry e-book
Homogenization For Cannabis e-book
How to Achieve Efficient & Consistent Particle Size Reduction e-book
Scissor App Note_ECM-XR validation, peptides, mAbs, small molecules
Considerations on the Controlled Release of Injectable Insulin Using Scissor
Understanding excipient effect in vitro using the Pion Scissor
Scissor as a platform for the analysis of non-protein subcutaneous formulations
Human Collagen’s Role within Artificial Extracellular Matrices used for in vivo Analysis of Injectable Formulations
Scissor N3 overview and demo
Solubility and Supersaturation - A Brief Introduction
Measurement of Extreme pKas
The use of cosolvent pKa assays for poorly soluble compounds
The Determination of Solubility - Pion CheqSol Explained
Measuring log P of samples that are hard to dissolve in water and octanol
Introduction to log P and log D measurement using PionT3
Using NaOH and NaCl instead of KOH and KCl
Development and characterization of an in vitro method for investigating pharmacokinetic behavior of long-acting subcutaneously injected therapeutics
Real time monitoring the extent of plasmid-liposome complexation using 2nd derivative fiber-optic UV spectroscopy
Revisiting 2nd derivative UV spectroscopy for real-time monitoring of structural changes and complexations of macromolecules
Predicting the Relative In Vivo performance of Nanoformed and Crystalline Bulk Piroxicam Solid Suspensions from In Vitro Flux Measurements
Introduction to Pion's BEE brand high-pressure homogenizers
Exploring the value of flux measurements in drug formulation and development: Bioavailability beyond dissolution rate alone. ADDF
Effects of drug-rich phase properties formed by liquid-liquid phase separation on the drug membrane permeability analyzed using μFLUX
Pion's BEE Brand Homogenizers - The Ultimate Research Tool
Demonstrating the excipient effect in vitro for subcutaneous pre-clinical formulation analysis
Micro DeBEE
Bioequivalence prediction with small-scale biphasic dissolution and simultaneous dissolution-permeation apparatus - An aripiprazole case study
Hydrogel formats to model potential drug interactions occurring at the subcutaneous injection site
The impact of colloids and nanoparticles on intestinal drug absorption
Predictive power and operational use of SCISSOR to streamline SC biologics drug development
SiriusT3 Lite - A PhysChem Platform
Service agreement plans
Predictor Software
Advancements in hydrogel formats to model potential drug interactions occurring at the subcutaneous injection site
Subcutaneous Injection Site Simulator Assay
Advancements in hydrogel formats to model potential drug interactions occurring at the subcutaneous injection site
Webinar: LIVE DEMO! Taking in vitro Data to in vivo Prediction
DissoPro Software v3.6
Conserving biorelevant enzymatic activity during in vitro subcutaneous drug testing
Carbon Nanotube Application Application Test Data and Results
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