Although many may wish otherwise, the modern American diet is largely comprised of foods with artificial/non-natural additives. These products provide us with much nutrition and energy to live healthy and successful lives, so it is critical that their production is considered. Foods like dairy and salad dressings require an intensive mixing process to be produced; homogenizers are commonly chosen for this purpose because of their effectiveness over other machines. Once your laboratory has decided to use a homogenizer in the food production process, finding the right one may feel daunting. Here we present two key factors that any high quality homogenizer should possess, and which you should look for in a potential purchase.
- Ability to Scale
As in most other industries, the food industry lab bench is a place of discovery and innovation. When a food product with the potential to be marketed to consumers is synthesized, it needs to be scaled in a way that does not change its production procedure. When looking for a homogenizer for your food product, scalability is a key factor that differentiates a high quality product from a pool of competitors. Some companies, for example, offer separate laboratory, pilot-plant, and industrial homogenizers to accommodate each stage of the scaling process.
- Particle Size Reduction Capability
Although not a well-studied area compared with other nutritional sciences, particle size reduction from homogenization may confer significant health benefits. These criteria will make a food product more marketable to the consumer. For example, decreased particle size has the potential to increase growth and reduce food intake by boosting satiety. (1, 2) Additionally, the food product itself will be more stable when the particles’ surface area is increasingly available, and their texture will be more uniform and consistent.
Pion: High Quality Particle Size Reduction Equipment
A food’s ability to have its intended effect can be attributed to a wide variety of factors. In particular, particle size and consistency in size are high-impact factors that every food manufacturer should consider. The first step in synthesizing a food product that confers high bioavailability is purchasing equipment that will achieve consistent particle size distribution. One such example is Pion's BEE brand high pressure homogenizer. Their products are trusted by researchers and lab managers around the world for key benefits, such as production of nano/micro emulsions, dispersions, and suspensions; importantly, this equipment can achieve consistent particle sizes at or below 100 nm, a key benefit for any product coming from the food industry.
Learn more about how Pion can aid your particle size reduction process by contacting our homogenizer specialists.