Emulsification, the process of creating emulsions, is absolutely necessary for two liquids that don’t naturally mix, but because of the product they comprise, must be blended. The intensive mixing created most frequently by high pressure homogenizers ensures a uniform and smooth mixture that will not separate for some time. On the flip end, however, inefficient production of emulsions can have some serious and wide-reaching downsides. Keep reading to become better informed about what to avoid and how to create a productive emulsion.
1. Decreased Chemical Stability
In terms of emulsions, stability means that the two immiscible phases won’t separate after sitting for long periods of time. This is accomplished by a combination of intensive mixing at high pressure and droplet size reduction of the dispersed phase. It can be argued that particle size reduction has the biggest influence on a product’s function, so should be considered in each of the below points. In terms of chemical stability, emulsions comprised of larger particles are less stable, so it is important to use equipment that can achieve small particle size.
2. Lower Bioavailability
Within the pharmaceutical industry, poorly water-soluble drugs depend on high-quality emulsions to deliver active ingredients. However, poorly made emulsions contribute to lower rates of dissolution and bioavailability, not to mention more cost to the manufacturer.
3. Less Control Over Absorption Rate
Pharmaceutical emulsions can be programmed for rapid or slow release, depending on what the condition requires; this ability to deliver treatment at specific time intervals helps to successfully combat some conditions. However, poorly mixed emulsions may not have as much control over absorption rate, which can cause a delay in symptom and condition resolution.
4. Fewer Opportunities to Scale
Nearly every product that we consumers purchase started out in a laboratory. Those that incorporate emulsions must have successfully scaled the technique to manufacturing. However, a poorly made emulsion will see more roadblocks, e.g. time and money, as it grows in scale than the one that was made well.
Pion: High Quality Particle Size Reduction Equipment
The above-listed criteria paint a rather dismal picture of the downstream effects of making products with poorly-mixed emulsions that contain large particles. However, these consequences can be easily avoided by choosing equipment that can achieve consistent and low particle size. One such example is the high pressure BEE brand homogenizer from Pion. Our products are trusted by pharmaceutical researchers and lab managers around the world for key benefits, such as production of nano/micro emulsions, dispersions, and suspensions; importantly, this equipment can achieve consistent particle sizes at or below 100nm, a key benefit for any product requiring small particle size.