Two widely used techniques- liquid homogenization and high pressure homogenization- have similar outcomes, yet distinct processes. So when you are looking to create a homogenous mixture, reduce particle size, or lyse cells, how will you know which is preferable? Here we delve into critical similarities and differences between the liquid mixer and high pressure homogenizer.
Liquid Homogenization
Widely used for small volumes and cultured cells, liquid homogenization requires that a sample is manually forced through a narrow space, thereby shearing membranes and decreasing particle size. Three different types of are primarily used; these are the Dounce homogenizer, Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer, and the French press. The liquid homogenization technique is beneficial in its ability to effectively lyse cells in only one to two passes; however, its small volume requirement (typically up to 250 mL) only allows for experimental laboratory use and not scaling to manufacturing. (1)
High Pressure Homogenization
High pressure homogenization, similar to liquid homogenization, forces a sample through a narrow space; yet instead of the manual requirement of liquid homogenizers, high pressure homogenizers run automatically. This process uses multiple mechanical forces (such as turbulence, cavitation, and shear) along with intensive pressure to achieve micronization and membrane lysis. Because of its intensive pressure, high pressure homogenization can tackle cells with tough exterior walls (e.g. bacteria, yeast, fungus). Additionally, high pressure homogenizers are oftentimes made to be scaled from laboratory experimentation up to manufacturing.
Pion: Trustworthy High-Pressure Homogenizers
The product you select for your laboratory will ultimately depend on its downstream applications and the cell types being used. Either way, you will be well-served to select a homogenizer that is flexible to meet the various needs of a laboratory. There are plenty of companies on the market to select equipment from; however, the product can be of higher quality and more even consistency when run through top-shelf equipment, most frequently in the form of a homogenizer.
Pion's BEE brand technologies is trusted by researchers around the world for both their laboratory homogenizers and their associated customer support. Particle size reduction is just one of a variety of applications for Pion's BEE brand homogenizers; nano/micro emulsions, lipids, suspensions, cell lysis and dispersions are also easily achievable. Additionally, the homogenizer processes can be controlled to suit your product, which will allow you to customize to your cell type. And finally, the equipment is easy to use, produces higher yield in less time, and achieves results that are reproducible and scalable.
Learn about how Pion's products can maximize your homogenization processes by contacting us today.