Particle size reduction is carried out in a number of industries, such as chemical, cosmetic, food and beverage, biotech, pharmaceutical and many others, in order to control the number and extent of chemical reactions that occur when the end product is used.
In this article, we present part 1 of our look at key benefits of particle size reduction. We will continue with part 2 in a subsequent blog post.
1. Increased Dissolution Rate
The smaller and finer the particles, the weaker the barriers to dissolution – which ultimately increases the dissolution rate. This is particularly beneficial in the pharmaceutical industry, where the efficacy and bioavailability of a drug can be directly affected by the speed of dissolution. It is also important to the cosmetic industry, as increased dissolution supports more rapid and total skin absorption.
2. Improved Drug Delivery
Some drugs are designed to be inhaled through the nose or mouth. However, as a natural defense mechanism, the human respiratory system is designed to filter out larger particles. Particle size reduction allows orally or nasally inhaled drugs to penetrate the lungs, and thus leads to greater efficacy.
3. Cleaning Product Health & Safety
Manufacturers of cleaning products for use in both industrial and household environments use particle size reduction, in order to ensure that the particles in their products cannot be inhaled by people or pets – and thus create a health hazard.
4. Controlling Rate of Reaction
As a principle, chemical reactions are much more likely to occur in fine/small particles relative to coarse/large particles. This principle in vital to manufacturers in a number of industries, such as cement manufacturers who need to determine the correct reaction rate in order to develop the desired cement product. Without applying particle size reduction, they would not be able to do this effectively and consistently.
5. Greater Density
Another key scientific principle is that small particles pack more densely than large particles. As such, manufacturers in many industries – such as the steel industry –use particle size reduction to reduce unoccupied volume (a.k.a. voidage).
6. Greater Sedimentation Stability
Sedimentation occurs when suspended particles settle out of the fluid in which they are entrained, and rest against a barrier. Manufactures in the food industry rely on particle size reduction to achieve greater sedimentation stability, and thus to create a consistent end product.
Pion's Particle Size Reduction Technology
Pion's proprietary technology focuses on breaking particles apart. Unlike other technologies that apply one mechanical force to mix a product, our technology utilizes all available mechanical forces to achieve optimum results.