Homogenization, or particle size reduction, takes place when particles, molecules, tissues, or other materials are reduced in size. This unique process offers a number of benefits, including more even particle distribution through products like creams, sauces, and medications; it also offers the additional benefit of improved texture, appearance, and taste, which leads to higher customer satisfaction and sales. With all of these benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more industries are looking to get involved with this process!
This article will explore the various liquid homogenization methods. Continue reading to learn more about the three most common types of liquid homogenizers: the French Press, the Potter-Elvehjem Homogenizer, and the Dounce Homogenizer.
French Press
The French Press is most often used for small sample volumes -- usually samples that are 250mL or less. In this method, a piston is used to apply high pressure to the sample, which forces it through a small hole, which homogenizes the product. While the French Press is efficient in homogenizing, since it is suitable for small samples only, the throughput is quite low.
Potter-Elvehjem Homogenizer
The Potter-Elvehjem Homogenizer is often used with delicate tissues, where the end desire is a ruptured cell wall (and not destroyed tissues!). This homogenizing equipment works in one of two ways: mechanically or manually. In both cases, a pestle is forced into a round shaped vessel to homogenize the cells. This homogenizer is not as efficient as a French Press, but is often more affordable.
Dounce Homogenizer
The Dounce Homogenizer is similar to the Potter-Elvehjem Homogenizer, in that a pestle is used to manually force cells through a small tube. The materials of a Dounce Homogenizer are often made of glass, which results in equipment that is easily sterilized and cleaned. However, like both the French Press and Potter-Elvejem Homogenizers, the Dounce Homogenizer is best suited for small samples, since the throughput is so low.
Pion's BEE Brand High Pressure Homogenizers
Pion offers a number of high quality, high-pressure homogenizers. Unlike the other homogenizers mentioned, our homogenizers are suited for large samples, and offer large throughputs, making our equipment ideal for laboratory, pilot plant, and even industrial use. Our equipment utilizes multiple forces – shear, turbulence, impact, and cavitation – to allow for results that are reliable, repeatable, and high quality.
We at Pion would love to assist you on your next project. Please contact us today to learn more about our equipment and how we can help you enter the growing world of homogenization.