As people who work primarily at the bench with microscopic molecules, it is sometimes easy to lose sight of the larger product we are working towards.
For example, we may work to produce emulsions to eventually be incorporated into a beverage. Therefore, every single tweak we make to the emulsion will affect the quality of the beverage. In this article, we provide you with a refreshment (pun intended) by analyzing the benefits of small emulsion droplet sizes among popular beverages.
By breaking down a coffee bean prior to brewing, one can increase the available surface area, thus unlocking its robust flavors. Further breakdown exponentially increases available surface area, much preferred for the coffee drinker who likes his/her coffee to be flavorful. Ultimately, the level of droplet size reduction depends on factors such as brewing method and preferred flavor. Coffee is one of the only beverages whose emulsion droplet size is largely out of the hands of the scientist because it is broken down by the consumer.
Homogenization of milk, undertaken by most milk products in current society, serves a few key purposes. Firstly, it creates smaller fat globules that can be suspended in the solution as opposed to floating to the top. Secondly, it extends the product’s shelf life, which ultimately reduces operating costs for the manufacturer. Although some individuals and companies have pushed back on potential health risks of homogenized milk, sufficient evidence to back up this claim is not yet available.
Soft Drinks
Many soft drinks contain flavoring emulsions, which are incorporated during the production process. To prevent agglomeration, these emulsions must be both small and uniform in size and distribution. Additionally, similar to homogenized milk, flavoring emulsions can be used to prevent phase separation and neck ring formation.
Pion: BEE Homogenizer Equipment for Emulsion Production
As you either embark on, or continue along, the process of producing emulsions for beverage products, your product’s success may depend on the equipment used to make it. High pressure homogenization is the most common method for producing emulsions, because of both its powerful mixing process and its cost/time effectiveness. The homogenizer will shear fluid by forcing it through a restrictive valve, forming an emulsion with decreased particle size. Pion's BEE homogenizer technology is trusted by lab managers and scientists around the world for their high-pressure homogenizers. They offer homogenizers that are both high-quality and reliable, and which can help your lab produce nano/micro emulsions, dispersions, and suspensions to be incorporated into your pharmaceutical cream. Visit us here to learn more about our products.