An in vitro analytical platform for dissolution and flux measurements of whole dose formulations using biorelevant volumes

Complete solution from Pion: In vitro Flux technology with Rainbow R6 real time concentration monitoring integrated into Pion miniDT 250mL platform
Simultaneously measuring concentration on both sides of a bio-mimetic membrane improves the assessment of the absorption potential and provides more realistic IVIVC modeling.
Biomimetic separation barrier utilizing Pion validated PAMPA permeability membrane.
Biorelevant environment: Dissolution volume varies from 130 to 250mL, mimicking gastro-intestinal volumes and matching FDA requirements for BCS solubility tests.
Dissolution Media: miniFlux is suitable for Pion’s standard media change protocol for FaSSIF and for FeSSIF as well.
Using miniFlux with 250mL donor volume, excellent comparison can be achieved between miniFLux and BioFlux.
miniFLUX: Advancing IVIVC with Expertise in Dissolution and Permeability
This innovative apparatus is used in conjunction with the miniDT 250mL dissolution systems and allows for FLUX testing of finished drug products. When coupled with Pion’s in situ fiber optic monitoring systems, the amount of data now available from the test is unsurpassed.
Simultaneously determine the complex effect of formulation on dissolution, solubility and permeability of API. Accurately Predict Pharmacokinetic outcomes earlier.