Insitu fiber optic UV monitoring system for small volumes of 2- 20 ml

Insitu fiber optic UV monitoring system for small volumes of 2- 20 ml
Designed to monitor concentration in real-time
Powered by AuPRO™
Most comprehensive dissolution data analysis software in the industry
Evaluate solubility, intrinsic disc dissolution rate, dissolution profiles, supersaturation, precipitation patterns
User-friendly graphic display
Simultaneous real-time data collection and analysis
The microDISS Profiler™ can be used to bring greater accuracy
- Small volume dissolution – tablets, capsules, powders and films
- Intrinsic dissolution of miniaturized compressed pellets
- Biorelevant dissolution
- Excipients and salts screening
- Dynamic media composition change
- Polymorphic changes and precipitation patterns
- Intrinsic and Kinetic Solubility in – Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Media
- Solution stability of drug candidates
- Nanoparticle solubility and dissolution
- Supersaturation studies
- Micro- and nanonization effects on dissolution

Smart software and flexible architecture allow for multiple experimental conditions on a single platform.
The MicroDISS Profiler™ employs dip-style probes engineered in stainless steel.
Fast and Accurate
Up to 8 individual Photo Diode Array Spectrophotometers allow data collection of UV/VIS spectra (200 – 720 nm) at 1nm resolution as often as every two seconds from all vessels simultaneously. Allows to work with variety of volumes and stirring speeds within a single experimental set up.
Ideal for small volume dissolution (2-20 mL), with interchangeable pathlength tips to bring the cost-efficiencies of combined speed and flexibility.